IGN: On cretinism, iodized salt, and Indira Gandhi

IGN: On cretinism, iodized salt, and Indira Gandhi

Do you know where the word “cretin” comes from? Have you ever wondered who discovered iodine? Do you know what links iodized salt to the “Debryshire neck” and Indira Gandhi?

To find out, tune in to this special BBC episode of ‘Elements’ (30 minutes). BBC’s Delhi correspondent Justin Rowlatt met with IGN’s Dr. Chandrakant Pandav, one of the world’s experts on iodine deficiency from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. According to a recent Indian national survey of salt intake and iodine status, today almost 80% of Indian households have access to adequately iodized salt. To understand the importance of this achievement, and to find out who is still at risk of iodine deficiency, Rowlatt and his colleague visit a local school in Dehradun (Uttarakhand, India) at the foothills of the majestic Himalayas, and the Sambhar Salt Lake salt production plant in Rajasthan.

Listen to the podcast here or download the MP3

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About the author:

Iodine Global Network

The Iodine Global Network (IGN) is a recommended charity of The Life You Can Save. IGN is a world leader in the effort to make salt iodization a universal reality, thereby eradicating the many crippling health effects of iodine deficiency.

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